ComputerVault DaaS for Colos

Partner with ComputerVault to Beat AWS and Azure ComputerVault HCI is a 100% proprietary solution for performance driven Virtual Desktops that: Performance - Faster than a local PC in the WAN More Secure – Stops malware and phishing attacks Price Point – More Profitable than Reselling VMware or Citrix for a Colo ...

Free Webinar: Virtual Desktops for Remote Workforce

Virtual Desktops are a tremendous tool for making remote workers productive. In this webinar, you’ll learn: What is a Virtual Desktop? How does it make remote workers as productive as being in the office? How do virtual desktops stop malware? Join us on Tuesday, March 31st at 1:00 pm EDT, for a 15-minute online webinar. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting...

ComputerVault HCI
ComputerVault HCI
Posted by Paul Angelo / March 23, 2020

ComputerVault Hyper-converged Infrastructure software delivers virtual desktops, an Internet of Things Platform and an advanced Cybersecurity Suite that prevents malware/ransomware infections and stops phishing attacks. ComputerVault HCI is based on a proprietary, modified Linux OS Distribution that does not require any other operating system or third-party software for its installation and functioning. Despite releasing version 1.0 in only Q4 2019, ComputerVault HCI has been enthusiastically received and is undergoing testing and review by the US Federal Government, the Indian Federal Government, and several large enterprise companies interested in enhancing their cybersecurity...

Beware Coronavirus Phishing Scams

There is a significant surge in Phishing email scams due to the Coronavirus outbreak. Malicious actors are sending authentic looking emails with attachments from health organizations and software providers. Be extra vigilant about clicking links and downloading attachments. Scammers are counting on people’s emotional reaction to a crisis to suspend their usual skepticism to phish bait. Ransomware attacks are expected to escalate as the next wave following the phishing attacks ...

ComputerVault: Prepare for Coronavirus Outbreak

Will the coronavirus force you to work from home? Is your infrastructure capable of handling all or most of your employees working remotely? Can you get things organized quickly for mission critical staff? The rapid deployment of ComputerVault Virtual Desktops has you up and running in a couple of days: Rapid Deployment - Stand up an environment over a weekend for 1000’s of users Our staff can bring in pre-configured servers if you d...