Does India Understand Backdoor Threats?!

History had taught unforgiving lessons to India, from Moghuls to East India Company, and such discourses are often quickly digressed with religious and anti-western sentiments. We live in a globally interconnected world, so, developing enduring partnerships with those who share our values and using caution when dealing with those whose only goal is destroying or weaken us are absolutely important. In this article, I want to focus on the risks of not understanding backdoor threats of the big bad internet. I am talking about the digital security backdoor threats of the information technology (IT) network systems that are t...

ComputerVault Demo at the 2019 GNEMSDC Expo

On September 10, 2019 Glenn Hart and Paul Angelo performed the first public demonstration of ComputerVault Virtual Desktops at the Greater New England Minority Supplier Development Council 2019 Business Expo and Conference at the MGM Springfield in Springfield, Massachusetts. That's Glenn on the stage at the podium. Connecting to the Internet with the MGM Springfield's public Wi-Fi, I logged into both my personal virtual desktop and a demo system. Both virtual desktops are hosted in Advans’ Marlborough, MA datacenter 65 miles to the east of Springfield. The demo was a tremendous success with several potential customers interested in purchasing the virtual...

Protect IP with ComputerVault Cybersecurity

Best way to protect Intellectual Property is to isolate it from the outside world. This is done with ComputerVault Virtual Desktops which keep IP out of reach of malware, ransomware or thieves. In addition to isolating IP, a ComputerVault On-Premises Private Cloud also has a complete cybersecurity suite, built on a Zero Trust Security Model:  Intrusion Detection System ...

Stop Ransomware with ComputerVault

People make mistakes. The best way to protect Intellectual Property is to isolate it from the outside world. So even if a mistake happens, your corporate data and files will not be compromised. A ComputerVault Virtual Desktop can access corporate IP and data from anywhere, while keeping it out of reach of malware, ransomware or thieves. ComputerVault Virtual Desktops have two parts: Clients can only access the virtual desktop V...

Afraid of putting your data in a Public Cloud?

A ComputerVault On-Premises Private Cloud keeps data on-site and protects offsite backups. Why? Because putting workloads and data in public clouds create new security threats beyond just how well your cloud provider manages cybersecurity: There are much larger attack surfaces with undefined boundaries Resources are no longer under your direct control DevOps may not be able to keep up with proper permissions ...